Top Signs You’ve Been Doing Chemo Too Long

Just for fun. In no particular order, the:
Top 10 Signs You’ve Been Doing the Chemo Thing Too Long

  1. You have favorite and least favorite rooms at the hospital based on space, distance to admin desks, lighting/sunlight, and how well the door knobs to the bathroom work. (This is no joke. There’s one room, where the knob on the inside is so hard to turn, I had to pull the string to call for help to get out of the bathroom in the middle of the night.)
  2. You start to shop your closet (and stores) for new things to wear to the hospital and clinic just to mix things up for the staff you see. Always limited to the v-necks and lower-cut tops for port access can get boring.
  3. An announcement that someone who started chemo after you did has finished their treatment prompts a one-hour melt down based on the universal theme of “it’s not fair.” This doesn’t mean you aren’t happy for that person, it’s just an acknowledgement of the truth that, indeed, life isn’t fair… but done with great drama!
  4. You know the hospital menu so well, you can provide recommendations to new patients in the clinic.
  5. You plan your social life in 3-week increments. And, keep your calendar in pencil.
  6. The travel bag you used to keep packed for work trips has been replaced by one always packed and ready for an overnight stay at the hospital. It’s the chemo equivalent of the packed bag a pregnant woman might have at the ready. Among its contents are hand lotion, coloring books, and a fun pillow case (and pillow).
  7. Home pantry staples have shifted from milk, eggs, and bread to ramen soup and mac & cheese.
  8. The wine bottles in your home are so covered in dust, you’re sure they have been stored in an actual wine cellar. Of course, then you spend time wondering where/how you can put a wine cellar in your house.
  9. While folding laundry, you realize that sweats, yoga pants, and pajamas are the bulk of what you wear.
  10. You save projects or tasks for treatment days because they will be easier to work on in the clinic and/or hospital.


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One Reply to “Top Signs You’ve Been Doing Chemo Too Long”

  1. About half of the things you listed are true for us senior citizens! So would it help if you just thought of yourself as “old”? Mmmmm, probably one of those “devil that you know versus the devil you don’t know.” Sometimes you don’t get to abstain. Glad you are sharing with us some of the lighter moments.

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