Where did my muscles go?

I just finished sorting some laundry in the closet. I’m sitting on the step stool I often sit on for sorting and putting on shoes. I move to get up from the stool, rise a few inches, and fall right back down; butt to step stool. I try again. Same result. My legs can’t do it. I’m in the middle of the closet, out of reach of a wall or shelf. I’m stuck.  
Then I remember the medicine ball. For reasons I don’t understand, because I’m not a Physicist, I know that crunches are easier with a medicine ball..especially if you’re passing that ball to someone else. Some law of physics — I don’t know which one. It’s like the opposite of inertia or something. Again, not a Physicist. Let’s just call it Gina’s Law of Ertia — get it? Inertia without the “in”? (haha, I kill me!) Gina’s Law of Ertia suggests that if you pick up the laundry basket and use it like a medicine ball, your body will follow forward and your ass with leave the step stool. Gina’s Law of Ertia is, upon my testing of it, complete crap. All I have proved is that an English degree and a career with libraries was a better decision than a career in Science. 
Interestingly, the day I find myself stuck on the step stool is not a fatigue day. I’m feeling pretty good, hydrated, and my energy level is fine–good, actually. I mean, I’m doing laundry, so I must be feeling good. Still, like all bad things that happen to me now, I blame the chemo. How, you might wonder, can chemo make it impossible for me to stand up from the equivalent of a mid-sized step? Let’s be clear, one of the good things about chemo is the 40 pounds I’ve lost (2 sizes smaller jeans!!). The clothes I just sorted for laundry? Those were just pulled from the “too small” bins that lived on the top shelf of the closet. “Too big” clothes were packed for donations. You’d think that with 40 fewer pounds getting up from a step stool would be easier. I did it often 40 pounds ago! I’m having a hard time reconciling this. So, what the heck???
Muscles. Pretty sure I’m losing muscle mass. This is why the nutritionist is so concerned with protein consumption. I’m definitely weaker. It’s harder to climb into my truck sometimes…a lot of times. My legs get tired at shorter distances. My arms get tired carrying things easier. I know it’s part of the deal; but, dang, this sucks. And, it is not good for the ego; which already suffers. 
How to counteract this? The online cancercare.net suggests consuming more protein. I believe it was during Chemo Class way back in March that they suggested protein with each meal. I’m not sure if the milk and the protein in my Special K counts as enough. I might need to shoot for something more.  
CancerCare also suggests physical activity. This is the most wildly amusing part of dealing with chemo. It causes extreme fatigue. I’ve written about it before. I have days where I can’t walk 20 feet without getting dizzy, and all the medical personnel say, “walking more will help.” Hmm… no. But there are things I could do.
I’ve tried tennis & bowling on the Wii; creating a “Lefty” and a “Righty” Mii so I can let both arms do some work. And, as if I don’t feel like an elderly infirm enough, this is something I can do on fatigue and light-headed days from a chair. OMG, can it get any more pathetic? Why, yes, it can! I could do nothing and be like a blob of jello unable to care for myself. So, I’ll give it a whirl. There are also yoga videos on Amazon Prime (and from the library). And, I’ve always wanted to try Tai Chi; this might be a good time. Balance is important, along with the muscles. So, those things may help. Oh, and protein. More protein.
I did, eventually, make it off the step stool. I just had to, first, kneel on the floor then get up. I don’t know why that was easier. Again, I’m a librarian, not a physicist. Did I mention our closet has a chair? A real chair that I can sit on and get up from without drama. I use the chair now when I put on my shoes. I haven’t sorted laundry since this step stool adventure — I’m wondering if I should just avoid that permanently

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One Reply to “Where did my muscles go?”

  1. We are all so thankful that your brain is not a muscle! You are doing an excellent job of pulling back the curtain to educate us about your treatments and the emotions that go with it. Mind, body and soul all need TLC.

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